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时间: 2021-07-31 作者:daque

4 《论理形而上学论》中的oo   《论理形而上学论》是维特根斯坦战前出书的独一文章,也是他的扬名之作。书中的看法反应了他前期的形而上学推敲,常常被冠以“论理亚原子论”的标签。 维特根斯坦在前期觉得:保守的玄学的凌乱和迷惑是因为滥用谈话所致;把形而上学从“谈话病”中翻身出来,是形而上学的要害工作。 他力求创造“过程谈话领会的廓清震动”的本质论和看法论;维特根斯坦以至传播:形而上学的独一工作即是调节其所患的谈话病,一旦这个手段到达,形而上学就没有其余事要作了,也就没有需要生存了。   维特根斯坦觉得他的《论理形而上学论》恰是在上述意旨上真实无疑的从基础上处置了形而上学的基础题目。他的基础处置本领是:为思维的表述一致条范围,分清什么是不妨说的,什么是不许说的。 他觉得,但凡不妨说的货色,都不妨由体味科主义领会,对于不许说的,则应维持安静。   《论理形而上学论》一书惟有薄薄的30页纸。书的构造也很特殊,有点像古龙的演义?共分7节, 以如次构造陈设: 1 the world is everything that is the case 1.1 the world is the totality of facts,not of things 1.1.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(简略) 1.1.2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(简略) ............ ............ 1.2 the world divides into facts. 1.2.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(简略) 1.2.2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(简略) ............ ............ 2 what is the case,the fact,is the existence of atomic facts. 2.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(简略) ............ ............ 7 whereof one cannot speak,thereof one must be silent.   该书谈话简略,构造特殊,内在充分,略带神奇颜色,所以有人称之为西方的“品德经”。   底下咱们将加入此书,领会一下这本在20岁月出书的书中蕴藏的 oo 思维(中英文比较)。   证明: 华文是我本人翻译的,不当之处,敬请指点。   该书第一节第一句话开始说到: 1 寰球即是一切为真的十足。 ( the world is everything that is the case)   这边,“is the case” 即 “is true or correct”,也即是咱们在数理论理中所说的谁人“真”,是寰球的本质情景。   接下来是对 1 这句话的进一步证明: 1.1 寰球是一切究竟,而非实物,的总和。 (the world is the totality of facts,not of things )   对 1.1 这句话又作了进一步证明: 1.11 寰球是由究竟所确定的,而且由十足究竟所确定。 (the world is determined by the facts, and by these being all the facts.) 1.12 由于究竟的总和既确定了什么是真的,也确定了什么不是真的。 (for the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case.) 1.13 论理空间中的究竟(一切为真的)即是所有寰球 (the facts in logical space are the world) 1.2 寰球不妨领会为究竟 ( the world divides into facts。) 1.2.1 任一究竟大概为真,大概不为真,其它一切究竟皆然。 (any one can either be the case or not be the case, and everything else remains the same.)   *******************************************************************   总结1: 1 重要想证明 --- 寰球由本质爆发的十足究竟(facts)所构成。   *******************************************************************   第二节 2 那些为真的究竟,是由亚原子究竟构成的。 (what is the case,the fact, is the existence of atomic facts.) 2.01 一个亚原子究竟是多个东西(或实业,实物)的拉拢。( object !!) (an atomic fact is a combination of objects(entities,things.) 2.011 实物的一个基础本质即是,它不妨变成某个亚原子究竟的一个构成局部 (it is essential to a thing that it can be a constitute part of an atomic fact) ...... 2.013 每个实物都是,正如假如的那么,居于一个由大概的亚原子究竟空间之中;我不妨 设想如许的空间为空,我却没辙设想一个无亚原子究竟空间可依的实物。 (everything is, as it were, in a space of possible atomic facts; i can think of this space as empty, but not of the thing without the space.) 2.014 东西包括了工作的十足状况的大概性(?) (objects contain the possibility of all states of affairs) ....... 2.02 东西是大略的(基础的) (the object is simple.) 2.0201 每个对于搀杂实物的报告都不妨领会为对其构成局部的报告,并且能被领会成能实足刻画那些搀杂实物的报告。 (every statement about complexes can be analysed into a statement about their constituent parts, and into those propositions which completely describe the complexse.) 2.021 东西产生了寰球的普通。所以它们不会是复合物。 (objects form the substance of the world. therefore they cannnot be compound.) 2.022 纵然咱们主观设想中的寰球和实际的客观寰球是各别的,然而它们之间明显有些货色——一种形式——是沟通的。 (it is clear that however different from the real one an imagined world may be it must have somthing -- a form -- in common with the real world。) 2.023 这种恒定静止的形式由东西构成。 (this fixed form consists of the objects)   比方: 咱们在思维中设想出来 "一部分骑着一辆脚踏车" 这幅局面和客观寰球中本质爆发的局面大概是否实足沟通的,但它们二者之间都具备一种沟通的构造: 人——骑——脚踏车恰是因为这个沟通的构造,咱们的主观寰球才和客观寰球爆发了普遍的接洽,咱们的表白才变成大概。 这个构造,是由更大略的东西构成的,如人,脚踏车。 ...... 2.026 惟有生存东西,本领有一个恒定形式的寰球的生存。 (only if there are objects can there be a fixed form of the world) 2.03 在亚原子究竟中,东西如一条锁链彼此贯穿。 (in the atomic fact objects hang one in another,like the links of a chain) 2.031 在亚原子究竟中,东西以那种决定的办法贯串。 (in the atomic fact the objects are combined in a difinite way) 2.032 亚原子究竟中东西彼此贯穿的办法即是亚原子究竟的构造 (the way in which objects hang together in the atomic fact is the structure of the atomic fact) ...... 2.034 究竟的构造生存于亚原子究竟的构造之中 (the structure of the fact consists in the structures of the atomic facts) 2.04 生存的亚原子究竟的总和即是寰球 (the totality of existent atomic facts is the world) 2.05 生存的亚原子究竟的总和也决定了那些亚原子究竟不生存 (the totality of existence atomic facts also determines which atomic facts do not exist) ...... 2.1 咱们为本人产惹事实的丹青。 (we make to ourselves picturesof facts)   证明: 指咱们的主观寰球中爆发一幅客观寰球的丹青,即主观对客观的看法图景。 2.12 那丹青是实际的模子 the picture is a model of reality. 2.13 东西(实际寰球中的)对应于那丹青中的各元素。 to the objects correspond in the picture the elememts of the picture. 2.131 那丹青中的各元素代办东西(实际寰球中的) the elements of picture stand,in the picture,for the objects. 2.14 那丹青的生存是因为如许一个究竟: 它的各元素之间以那种恒定办法相贯串。 the picture consists in the fact that its elements are combined with one another in a difinite way. 2.141 那丹青即是一个究竟 the picture is a fact. 2.15 那丹青的各元素以那种恒定办法相贯串,代办了实物(实际寰球的)也是如许相贯串的。 那丹青的各元素的贯串办法称为该丹青的构造,该构造也称为该丹青的表白形式。 that the elements of the picture are combined with one another in a difinite way, represents that the things are so combined with one another. this connexion of the elements of the picture is called its structure,and the possibility of this structure is called the form of representation of the picture. ...... 2.1511 如许,那丹青与实际就接洽起来了。 那丹青就迫近实际了。 thus the picture is linked with reality;it reaches up to it. 2.1512 它就象是实际按比率减少的图形。 it is like a scale applied to reality. ...... 2.16 究竟要想表白为丹青,该丹青和它之间必然要生存那种共通之处。 in order to be a picture a fact must have somthing in common with what it pictures. ...... 2.17 为了不妨代办实际---精确或缺点的---丹青必需与实际维持普遍的货色,是它的表白形式。 what the picture must have in common with reality in order to be able to represent after its manner---rightly or falsely -- is its form of representation. ...... 2.172 那丹青却没辙表白它本人的表白形式。 它不过将其径自表露出来。 the picture,however,cannot represent its form of representation. it shows it forth. ...... 2.18 为了不妨代办实际---精确或缺点的---不管何种形式的丹青,它必需与实际维持普遍的货色,是论理构造,即: 实际寰球的形式。 what every picture,of whatever form,must have in common with reality in order to be able to represent it at all---rightly or falsely -- is the logical form,that is,the form of reality. 2.181 即使那表白形式是论理的形式,那么那丹青也不妨称为一幅论理图。 if the form of representation is the logical form,then the picture is called a logical picture. 2.182 每一副图也是一幅论理图。 (另一上面,并非每副图都是空间图) every picture is also a logical picture.(on the other hand,for example,not every pivture is spatial)   证明: 重要夸大此处的 picture(与实际寰球论理上同构) 与 常常咱们所说的picture(实际寰球的空间构造刻画图)各别。 2.19 论理图不妨刻画实际寰球。 the logical picture can dipict the world. 2.2 那丹青与它所刻画的具备沟通的论理表白形式 the picture has the logical form of representation in common with what it pictures. 2.21 那丹青与实际大概普遍,大概不普遍;它大概精确,大概缺点;大概为真,大概为假。 the picture agrees with reality or not;it is right or wrong;true or false.   证明:“1998年5月12号北京降雨了” 和 “1998年5月12号北京没降雨” 都是一幅picture,它们的论理构造,大概说表白形式,实足沟通,但其真值各别。 2.22 那丹青经过表白形式来刻画寰球,独力于它的真伪。 the picture represents what it represents ,indepently of its truth or falsehood, through the form of representation. 2.221 那丹青表白的是它的本质道理。 what the picture represents is its senses. 2.222 它的本质道理与实际符合大概不符合,进而它为真大概为假。 in the agreement or disagreement of its sense with reality, its truth or falsity consists. 2.223 要想领会丹青是真仍旧假,必需将其与实际寰球举行比拟。 in order to discover whether the picture is true or false we must compare it with reality. ......   ******************************************************************************   总结2: 2 重要证明 --- 究竟(facts)由亚原子究竟(atomic facts)所构成;        亚原子究竟(atomic facts)由更基础的东西(objects)所构成;        咱们的对于外部寰球的主观刻画丹青,与它所刻画的外部寰球具备沟通的论理        构造;注: (这即是十分于软硬件开拓中的"建立模型")   ******************************************************************************



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