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时间: 2021-07-31 作者:daque

第三节 3 究竟的论理丹青即是思维。 the logical picture of the facts is the thought. 3.01 一切真的思维的总和就形成了所有实际寰球一幅丹青。 the totality of true thoughts is a picture of the world. 3.02 ......一切能被设想的也是大概的。 ......what is thinkable is also possible. 3.03 咱们不许设想出不对论理的货色,由于那么一来咱们将不得不举行不对论理的思想。 we cannot think anything unlogical,for otherwise we should have to think unlogically. ......   ******************************************************************************   总结3: 3 重要证明 --- 咱们的思维也是之上述丹青办法来反应客观寰球的        咱们的思维与客观寰球是论理同构的   ******************************************************************************   第四节 4 思维是有意旨的命题 the thought is the significant proposition. 4.01 命题是实际的丹青。 命题是咱们设想的实际的模子。 the proposition is a picture of reality. the proposition is a model of the reality as we think it is. ...... 4.1 一个命题给出了一个亚原子究竟的生存或是不生存。 a porposition presents the existence and non-existence of atomiac facts. 4.11 真命题的总体即是所有天然科学 the totality of true propositions is the total natural science. ...... 4.112 形而上学的目的即是廓清思维。    形而上学不是一个表面,而是一种震动。形而上学处事即是去证明。    形而上学的截止不是少许"形而上学命题",而是工作题明显。 the object of philosophy is the logical clarification of thoughts. philosophy is not a theory but an activity. a philosophy work consists essentially of elucidations. the results of philosophy is not a number of "philosophy propositions", but to make propositions clear. ...... 4.113 形而上学规定天然科学不妨商量的范畴。 philosophy limits the disputable sphere of natural science. 4.114 它该当规定什么是可推敲的,所以也就规定了什么是不行推敲的。 it should limit the unthinkable and thereby the unthinkable. 4.115 它将领会地指出什么是不妨言说的,进而也就指出了什么是不行言说的。 it will mean the unspeakable by clearly displaying the speakable. 4.116 但凡不妨被推敲的,都不妨被领会地推敲;    但凡不妨被言说的,都不妨被领会地言说; everything that can be thought at all can be thought clearly. everything that can be said can be said clearly. ......   *******************************************************************************   总结4: 4 重要证明 --- 精细引见了思维怎样借助论理来反应寰球;        指出了形而上学的目的即是廓清思维,形而上学不是一个表面,而是一种震动。        它该当规定什么是可推敲的,所以也就规定了什么是不行推敲的。   *******************************************************************************   第六节 5 命题是基础命题的真值因变量 propositions are truth-functions of elementary propositions. ...... 5.6 我的谈话的极限即是我的寰球的极限 the limits of my language mean the limits of my world. 5.6.1 论理充溢所有寰球: 寰球的极限也即是论理的极限地方 logic fills the world: the limits of the world are also its limits. ...... 咱们没辙推敲的货色,咱们就不许推敲: 所以咱们不许说出咱们没辙推敲的货色。 what we cannot think,that we cannot think;we cannot therefore say what we cannot think. ...... 5.6.3 我即是寰球。(小世界) i am the world。(microcosm)   证明: 吾心即是世界。 :-)   *******************************************************************************   总结5: 5 重要证明 --- 进一步阐领会作家的论理亚原子主义态度        指出人惟有借助谈话本领推敲,主观惟有借助谈话本领反应客观寰球        谈话的极限即是寰球的极限   *******************************************************************************   第六节 ...... 6.41 寰球的意旨必然生存于寰球除外。 the sense of the world must lie outside the world. 6.42 所以也就没有什么伦道学命题。 hence also there can be no ethical propositions. 6.421 明显伦道学是没辙表述的。 伦道学是胜过实际的。 (伦道学和美学是一律的) it is clear that ethics cannot be expressed. ethics is transcendental. (ethics and aesthetics are one.) ...... 6.432 寰球怎样生存,是与更高档的货色绝不关系的;天主并不在寰球中表露。 how the world is ,is completely indifferent for what is higher; god does not reveal himself in the world. 6.44 寰球怎样生存,并不神奇;神奇的是它的生存自己。 not how the world is ,is the mystical,but it is. ...... 6.52 咱们感触即使是一切的天然科学题目都被回答了,生存的意旨仍旧未被涉及涓滴。 固然是没有任何题目可言了,这即是谜底。 we feel that even if all possible scientific questions be answered,then the problem of life have still not been touched at all. of course there is then no question left,and just this is the answer. 6.521 生存的意旨题目的处置方法即是取消该题目。 the solution of the problem of life is seen in the vanishing of this problem. 6.522 本质上生存着不行表白的货色;这表露了它的生存;它是神奇的。 there is indeed the inexpressible。 this shows itself;it is the mystical.   证明: 生存的意旨是什么? 这个题目在维特根斯坦可见是不行言说的,是没辙用实际寰球的究竟去实证的,所以是偶尔义的题目,应给予取消。 6.53 形而上学的精确本领该当是如许的。 除去不妨说的货色除外——如天然科学的命题,即与形而上学无干的题目——什么都不说;而后当或人想说出少许形而上的货色时,向他指出它的命题中生存着少许毫偶尔义的标记。 这本领大概不太令人合意——他会感触咱们不是在教他形而上学——但这是独一庄重的精确本领。 the right method of philosophy would be this. to say nothing except what can be said,i.e. the propositions of natural science,i.e. something that have nothing to do with pilosophy: and then always,when someone else wished to say something metaphysical,to demonstrate to him that he has given no meaning to certain signs in his rpopositions. this method would be unsatisfying to the other---he would not have the feeling that we are teaching him philosophy---but it would be the only strictly correct method. 6.54 我的看法是以这种办法表白的:最后真实领会了我的看法的人,当他经过它们,穿过它们并高于它们的功夫。会创造它们是毫偶尔义的,(如许说吧,他必需在爬过梯子之后将其扔掉) my propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognises them as senseless,when he has climbed out through them,on them,over them. (he must so to speak throw away the ladder,after he has climbed up on it)   *******************************************************************************   总结6: 6 重要证明 --- 阐领会作家的形而上学观        形而上学的精确本领该当是如许的。 除去不妨说的货色除外----什么都不说;   *******************************************************************************   第七节 7 对于那些不行言说的,必需维持安静。 whereof one cannot speak,thereof one must be silent.   结果作家以一句表示深长的名言戛但是止。   《论理形而上学论》一书,先是单刀直入地提出了作家动作一个"论理亚原子论"者的寰球观。 而后作家从而提出了本人对形而上学及形而上学接洽本领的看法。结果略带神奇气味的点睛之句中断:   “对于那些不行言说的,必需维持安静。”   让咱们做一个大略的归纳吧。   在该书中,作家提出了如次的看法:   *寰球不妨领会为究竟 ( the world divides into facts.)   *究竟是由亚原子究竟(atomic facts)构成的。   *一个亚原子究竟是多个东西(objects)的拉拢。   *东西是大略的(基础的) the object is simple。   *东西产生了寰球的普通。   即: 寰球---究竟----亚原子究竟----东西,这即是我想指出的《论理形而上学论》中的 oo。   固然,《论理形而上学论》中除去这个oo的思维,还包括了更多实质。   请看后续作品《oo,oo之后,及其极限 5----oo之后是什么?》,及《oo,oo之后,及其极限 6------结果的极限》



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