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时间: 2021-07-31 作者:daque

不妨像qq一律实行最小化窗口时窗口到体例栏的动画功效。 unit main; interface uses    windows, messages, sysutils, classes, graphics, controls, forms, dialogs,    rxshell, stdctrls; type tzoomdirection = (zoomformopen, zoomformclosed);//列举典型 type    tformmain = class(tform)       trayicon1: trxtrayicon;//rx组件里的体例栏图标控件       label1: tlabel;       procedure formshow(sender: tobject);     procedure trayicon1dblclick(sender: tobject);    private       procedure onmincmd(var message: tmessage); message wm_syscommand; //捕捉动静       procedure frmzoomtotray(frm: tform; direction: tzoomdirection); //爆发窗体从体例处事区中加入或出来的动静功效子进程    public     { public declarations }    end; var    formmain: tformmain; implementation {$r *.dfm} procedure tformmain.formshow(sender: tobject); begin showwindow(application.handle, sw_hide);//取消工作栏表露 end; procedure tformmain.onmincmd(var message: tmessage); begin    if (message.wparam = sc_minimize) then //即使是最小化动静       begin          trayicon1.active := true; //表露图标          frmzoomtotray(formmain,zoomformclosed);          formmain.hide; //湮没窗体          exit;       end;    inherited; //让窗体处置其它动静 end; procedure tformmain.frmzoomtotray(frm: tform; direction: tzoomdirection); var    traywnd: hwnd;    sclassname: array[0..255] of char;    xfrom, xto: trect; begin    if (direction = zoomformclosed) and (frm.visible = false) then       exit;    if (direction = zoomformopen) and (frm.visible = true) then       exit;    traywnd := findwindow('shell_traywnd', nil);    traywnd := getwindow(traywnd, gw_child);    repeat       getclassname(traywnd, @sclassname, 255);       if strpas(sclassname) = 'traynotifywnd' then          break;       traywnd := getwindow(traywnd, gw_hwndnext);    until traywnd = 0;    case direction of       zoomformopen:          begin             getwindowrect(traywnd, xfrom);             xfrom.left := (xfrom.right - (xfrom.right - xfrom.left) div 2);             xfrom.right := xfrom.left + 1;             getwindowrect(frm.handle, xto);             drawanimatedrects(frm.handle, idani_open or idani_caption, xfrom, xto);          end;       zoomformclosed:          begin             getwindowrect(frm.handle, xfrom);             getwindowrect(traywnd, xto);             xto.left := (xto.right - (xto.right - xto.left) div 2);             xto.right := xto.left + 1;             drawanimatedrects(frm.handle, idani_close or idani_caption, xfrom, xto);          end;    end; end; procedure tformmain.trayicon1dblclick(sender: tobject); begin    trayicon1.active := false;    frmzoomtotray(formmain,zoomformopen);    formmain.show; end; end.



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