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时间: 2021-07-31 作者:daque

在win32下用delphi侦测目次变革,可用win32供给的文献变换报告api来实行。findfirstchangenotification, findnextchangenotification,findclosechangenotification。 在运用步调中挪用那些因变量时,爆发一个监察和控制这个变革的句柄,可用wait因变量集来等候这个变革。如许,当监察和控制步调运转时,不妨到达监察和控制文献变革的举措。更进一步,可把此步调做出一个状况区图标(tray)来实行监察和控制。 windows在简略、复制、挪动、考察文献时并不发送动静,固然截获不到。要截取那些操纵进程的独一方法即是截获api,这又须要你编写vxd步调了,杀毒软硬件都是如许作的。你提防一下杀毒软硬件普遍都带有一个vxd步调。光有vxd还不行,还需截获文献api。再有其余一个方法,即是cih宏病毒沿用的方法,径直跳到体例零层去操纵。简直方法如次: 一、sidt训令( 将阻碍刻画符表存放器idtr--64位宽,16~47bit存有阻碍刻画符表idt基地方--的实质惠存指定地方单位)不是特权训令,即是说咱们不妨在ring3下实行该训令,赢得idt的基地方,进而窜改idt,减少一个阻碍门安排咱们的阻碍效劳,一旦ring3步调中爆发此阻碍,vmm就会挪用此阻碍效劳步调,而此阻碍效劳步调就运转在ring0下了。这一点与在dos下特殊一致。 二、要实行对体例中一切文献i/o操纵的及时监督,还要用到另一种要害技-filehooking,经过挂接一个处置因变量,截获一切与文献i/o操纵相关的系 统挪用。windows9x运用32位养护形式可安置文献体例(ifs),由可安置文献体例处置器(ifsmanager)融合对文献体例和摆设的考察,它接受以win32api因变量挪用情势向体例发出的文献i/o乞求,再将乞求转轨文献体例启动步调fsd,由它挪用初级其余ios体例实行最后考察。每个文献i/oapi挪用都有一个一定的fsd因变量与之对应,ifsmanager控制实行由api到fsd的参数安装处事,在实行文献i/oapi因变量参数的安装之后转相映fsd实行之前,它会挪用一个称为filesystemapihookfunction的hooker因变量。经过安置本人的hooker因变量,就不妨截获体例内一切对文献i/o的api挪用,进而实行及时监察和控制。 ========================================= procedure tform1.button2click(sender: tobject); begin   {establish a notification for file name changes on the selected directory}   notificationhandle := findfirstchangenotification(pchar(directorylistbox1.directory), false,file_notify_change_file_name);   {if the notification was set up correctly, modify some ui elements...}   if (notificationhandle <> invalid_handle_value) then   begin     button1.enabled := true;     button2.enabled := false;   end   else   begin     {...otherwise indicate that there was an error}     showmessage('there was an error setting the notification');     exit;   end; end; procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); var   dwresult: dword;         // holds the result of waiting on the notification   waiting: boolean;        // loop control variable begin   {setup the loop control for a continuous loop}   waiting := true;   {indicate that the application is waiting for the change notification to fire}   button1.enabled := false;   statusbar1.simpletext := 'now waiting for a filename change';   application.processmessages;   {enter the loop}   while waiting do   begin     {at this point, the application is suspended until the notification      object is signaled that a filename change has occured in the      selected directory (this includes file deletions)}     dwresult := waitforsingleobject(notificationhandle,infinite);     if (dwresult = wait_object_0) then     begin       {indicate that the notification object was signaled}       showmessage('the selected directory signaled a filename change');       {query the user to see if they wish to continue monitoring this        directory}       if application.messagebox('do you wish to continue monitoring this directory?', 'continue?', mb_iconquestion or                                 mb_yesno) = idyes then         {if the user wishes to continue monitoring the directory, reset          the notification object and continue the loop...}         findnextchangenotification(notificationhandle)       else         {...otherwise break out of the loop}         waiting := false;     end;   end;   {close the notification object}   findclosechangenotification(notificationhandle);   {reset ui elements}   button1.enabled := false;   button2.enabled := true;   statusbar1.simpletext := '';   filelistbox1.update; end; =========================================== 底下是一个监督的控件: unit dirnotify; interface uses   windows, messages, sysutils, classes,   graphics, controls, forms, dialogs; type   edirnotificationerror = class(exception);   tdirnotify = class;   tnotifyfilter = (nffilename, nfdirname, nfattributes, nfsize, nflastwrite,     nfsecurity);   tnotifyfilters = set of tnotifyfilter;   tnotificationthread = class(tthread)     owner: tdirnotify;     procedure execute; override;     procedure dochange;   end;   tdirnotify = class(tcomponent)   private     fenabled: boolean;     fonchange: tnotifyevent;     fnotificationthread: tnotificationthread;     fpath: string;     fwatchsubtree: boolean;     ffilter: tnotifyfilters;     procedure setenabled( value: boolean );     procedure setonchange( value: tnotifyevent );     procedure setpath( value: string );     procedure setwatchsubtree( value: boolean );     procedure setfilter( value: tnotifyfilters );     procedure recreatethread;   protected     procedure change;     procedure loaded; override;   public     constructor create(aowner: tcomponent); override;     destructor destroy; override;   published     property enabled: boolean read fenabled write setenabled default true;     property onchange: tnotifyevent read fonchange write setonchange;     property path: string read fpath write setpath;     property watchsubtree: boolean read fwatchsubtree write setwatchsubtree;     property filter: tnotifyfilters read ffilter write setfilter default [nffilename, nfdirname, nfattributes, nflastwrite, nfsecurity];   end; procedure register; implementation const   lasterrortextlength = 500; var   lasterrortext: array [0..lasterrortextlength] of char; function getlasterrortext: pchar; begin   formatmessage( format_message_from_system,     nil, getlasterror, 0, lasterrortext, lasterrortextlength, nil );   result := lasterrortext; end; procedure tnotificationthread.execute; var   h: thandle;   nf: longint;   wst: longbool; begin   nf := 0;   if (nffilename in owner.filter) then nf := file_notify_change_file_name;   if (nfdirname in owner.filter) then nf := nf or file_notify_change_dir_name;   if (nfattributes in owner.filter) then nf := nf or file_notify_change_attributes;   if (nfsize in owner.filter) then nf := nf or file_notify_change_size;   if (nflastwrite in owner.filter) then nf := nf or file_notify_change_last_write;   if (nfsecurity in owner.filter) then nf := nf or file_notify_change_security;   // yeahh, this one is stupid but win98 malfunctions in any other value than 0 or 1   if owner.fwatchsubtree then wst := longbool(1)   else wst := longbool(0);   h := findfirstchangenotification( pointer(owner.path), wst, nf );   if (h = invalid_handle_value) then     raise edirnotificationerror.create( getlasterrortext );   repeat     if (waitforsingleobject( h, 1000 ) = wait_object_0) then     begin       synchronize(dochange);       if not findnextchangenotification( h ) then         raise edirnotificationerror.create( getlasterrortext );     end;   until terminated; end; procedure tnotificationthread.dochange; begin    owner.change; end; constructor tdirnotify.create(aowner: tcomponent); begin   inherited create(aowner);   fenabled := true;   ffilter := [nffilename]; end; destructor tdirnotify.destroy; begin   fnotificationthread.free;   inherited destroy; end; procedure tdirnotify.loaded; begin   inherited;   recreatethread; end; procedure tdirnotify.setenabled(value: boolean); begin   if value <> fenabled then   begin     fenabled := value;     recreatethread;   end; end; procedure tdirnotify.setpath( value: string ); begin   if value <> fpath then   begin     fpath := value;     recreatethread;   end; end; procedure tdirnotify.setwatchsubtree( value: boolean ); begin   if value <> fwatchsubtree then   begin     fwatchsubtree := value;     recreatethread;   end; end; procedure tdirnotify.setfilter( value: tnotifyfilters ); begin   if value <> ffilter then   begin     ffilter := value;     recreatethread;   end; end; procedure tdirnotify.setonchange(value: tnotifyevent); begin    fonchange := value; end; procedure tdirnotify.change; begin    if assigned(fonchange) then       fonchange(self); end; procedure tdirnotify.recreatethread; begin   // destroy thread   fnotificationthread.free;   fnotificationthread := nil;   if fenabled and not(csdesigning in componentstate)     and not(csloading in componentstate) and (fpath <> '') then   begin     // create thread     fnotificationthread := tnotificationthread.create(true);     fnotificationthread.owner := self;     fnotificationthread.resume;   end; end; procedure register; begin    registercomponents('system', [tdirnotify]); end; end. 



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