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当前位置: 首页 -> 技术开发 -> NET专区 -> 使用 .NET的IO(2) Paul_Ni(原作)(补充)

使用 .NET的IO(2) Paul_Ni(原作)(补充)

时间: 2021-07-31 作者:daque


using system;

using system.io;

using system.threading;

using system.runtime.interopservices;

public class bulkimageprocasync


public const string imagebasename = "tmpimage-";

public const int numimages = 200;

public const int numpixels = 512*512;

// processimage has a simple o(n) loop, and you can vary the number

// of times you repeat that loop to make the application more cpu-bound

// or more io-bound.

public static int processimagerepeats = 20;

// threads must decrement numimagestofinish, and protect

// their access to it through a mutex.

public static int numimagestofinish = numimages;

public static object numimagesmutex = new object[0];

// waitobject is signalled when all image processing is done.

public static object waitobject = new object[0];

public class imagestateobject


public byte[] pixels;

public int imagenum;

public filestream fs;


public static void makeimagefiles()


int sides = (int) math.sqrt(numpixels);

console.write("making "+numimages+" "+sides+"x"+sides+" images...");

byte[] pixels = new byte[numpixels];

for(int i=0; i<numpixels; i++)

pixels[i] = (byte) i;

for(int i=0; i<numimages; i++)


filestream fs = new filestream(imagebasename+i+".tmp", filemode.create,

 fileaccess.write, fileshare.none, 8192, false);

 fs.write(pixels, 0, pixels.length);






public static void readinimagecallback(iasyncresult asyncresult)


imagestateobject state = (imagestateobject) asyncresult.asyncstate;

//console.writeline("image "+state.imagenum+" was read

 "+(asyncresult.completedsynchronously ? "synchronously" :


stream stream = state.fs;//(stream) asyncresult.asyncobject;

int bytesread = stream.endread(asyncresult);

if (bytesread != numpixels)

throw new exception("in readinimagecallback, got wrong number of bytes

 from the image!got: "+bytesread);

processimage(state.pixels, state.imagenum);


// now write out the image.

// using asynchronous io here appears not to be best practice.it ends up

// swamping the threadpool, since the threadpool threads are blocked

// on io requests that we've just queued to the threadpool.

filestream fs = new filestream(imagebasename+state.imagenum+".done",

 filemode.create, fileaccess.write, fileshare.none, 4096, false);

fs.write(state.pixels, 0, numpixels);


// this application model uses too much memory.

// releasing memory as soon as possible is a good idea, especially global

// state.

state.pixels = null;

// record that an image is done now.




if (numimagestofinish==0)








public static void processimage(byte[] pixels, int imagenum)


console.writeline("processimage "+imagenum);

// do some cpu-intensive operation on the image.

for(int i=0; i<processimagerepeats; i++)

 for(int j=0; j<numpixels; j++)

pixels[j] += 1;

console.writeline("processimage "+imagenum+" done.");


public static void processimagesinbulk()


console.writeline("processing images...");

long t0 = environment.tickcount;

numimagestofinish = numimages;

asynccallback readimagecallback = new asynccallback(readinimagecallback);

 for(int i=0; i<numimages; i++)


imagestateobject state = new imagestateobject();

state.pixels = new byte[numpixels];

state.imagenum = i;

// very large items are read only once, so you can make the

// buffer on the file stream very small to save memory.

filestream fs = new filestream(imagebasename+i+".tmp",

 filemode.open, fileaccess.read, fileshare.read, 1, true);

state.fs = fs;

fs.beginread(state.pixels, 0, numpixels, readimagecallback, state);


// determine whether all images are done being processed.

// if not, block until all are finished.

bool mustblock = false;

lock (numimagesmutex)


 if (numimagestofinish > 0)

mustblock = true;


 if (mustblock)


console.writeline("all worker threads are queued... blocking until they

 complete.numleft: "+numimagestofinish);





long t1 = environment.tickcount;

console.writeline("total time processing images: {0} ms", (t1-t0));


public static void cleanup()


 for(int i=0; i<numimages; i++)






public static void trytocleardiskcache()


// try to force all pending writes to disk, andclear the

// disk cache of any data.

byte[] bytes = new byte[100*(1<<20)];

for(int i=0; i<bytes.length; i++)

bytes[i] = 0;

bytes = null;




 public static void main(string[] args)


console.writeline("bulk image processing sample application, using

 async io");

console.writeline("simulates applying a simple transformation to

 "+numimages+" \"images\"");

console.writeline("(ie, async filestream & threadpool benchmark)");

console.writeline("warning - this test requires "+(numpixels *

 numimages * 2)+" bytes of tmp space");

if (args.length==1)


 processimagerepeats = int32.parse(args[0]);

 console.writeline("processimage inner loop -








 [dllimport("kernel32", setlasterror=true)]

 private static extern void flushfilebuffers(intptr handle);



using system;

using system.io;

using system.threading;

using system.runtime.interopservices;

public class bulkimageprocsync


public const string imagebasename = "tmpimage-";

public const int numimages = 200;

public const int numpixels = 512*512;

// processimage has a simple o(n) loop, and you can vary the number

// of times you repeat that loop to make the application more cpu-bound or

// more io-bound.

public static int processimagerepeats = 20;

public static void makeimagefiles()


int sides = (int) math.sqrt(numpixels);

console.write("making "+numimages+" "+sides+"x"+sides+" images...");

byte[] pixels = new byte[numpixels];

for(int i=0; i<numpixels; i++)

pixels[i] = (byte) i;

for(int i=0; i<numimages; i++) {

filestream fs = new filestream(imagebasename+i+".tmp", filemode.create, fileaccess.write, fileshare.none, 8192, false);

fs.write(pixels, 0, pixels.length);






public static void processimage(byte[] pixels, int imagenum)


console.writeline("processimage "+imagenum);

// do some cpu-intensive operation on the image

for(int i=0; i<processimagerepeats; i++)

for(int j=0; j<numpixels; j++)

pixels[j] += 1;

console.writeline("processimage "+imagenum+" done.");


public static void processimagesinbulk()


console.writeline("processing images...");

long t0 = environment.tickcount;

byte[] pixels = new byte[numpixels];

for(int i=0; i<numimages; i++)


filestream input = new filestream(imagebasename+i+".tmp", filemode.open,

 fileaccess.read, fileshare.read, 4196, false);

input.read(pixels, 0, numpixels);


processimage(pixels, i);

filestream output = new filestream(imagebasename+i+".done",

 filemode.create, fileaccess.write, fileshare.none, 4196, false);

output.write(pixels, 0, numpixels);



long t1 = environment.tickcount;

console.writeline("total time processing images: {0} ms", (t1-t0));


public static void cleanup()


 for(int i=0; i<numimages; i++)






public static void trytocleardiskcache()


byte[] bytes = new byte[100*(1<<20)];

for(int i=0; i<bytes.length; i++)

bytes[i] = 0;

bytes = null;




public static void main(string[] args)


console.writeline("bulk image processing sample application, using synchronous io");

console.writeline("simulates applying a simple transformation to "+numimages+" \"images\"");

console.writeline("(ie, sync filestream benchmark)");

console.writeline("warning - this test requires "+(numpixels * numimages * 2)+" bytes of tmp space");

if (args.length==1) {

processimagerepeats = int32.parse(args[0]);

console.writeline("processimage inner loop - "+processimagerepeats);







[dllimport("kernel32", setlasterror=true)]

private static extern void flushfilebuffers(intptr handle);




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