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时间: 2021-07-31 作者:daque

作家:任毅 photoshop图像处置软硬件最引人之处莫过于它的滤镜功效,即使你控制了少许vb的常识,那么你也不妨安排出图像处置巨匠级的滤镜功效。    开始你必需领会vb中图像处置的少许基础常识。在vb中有两个操纵像素的基础本领:pset和point。pset天生像素;point则读取像素值。而且表露器上所能表露的一切脸色都不妨用rgb值来表白,vb中供给了rgb()因变量,有三个变量rgb(red,green,blue),如rgb(255,0,0)表白赤色,rgb(255,255,0)表白黄色等。 vb中没有供给将一个像素点的脸色归来成rgb值的因变量,但咱们不妨用以次本领赢得某一点的rgb值:    pi& = picture.point(x, y)    red = pi& mod 256    green = ((pi& and &hff00) / 256&) mod 256&    blue = (pi1& and &hff0000) / 65536    有了之上常识,再经过少许滤镜算法便不妨爆发少许很不错的滤镜功效。在此以浮雕、木版画、油画和道具共四个滤镜功效为例。    简直操纵办法如次:    兴建一个窗体 form1,在图体上创造一个picture1图像框,将其autosize的值设为 ture,而后用picture1的loadpicture()吩咐调入一幅图像,再经过百般事变挪用过滤进程(这边以picture1_click()事变来挪用)。  以次为简直代码:    private sub form_load()     form1.autoredraw = true     form1.scalemode = 3     picture1.autoredraw = true     picture1.scalemode = 3     picture1.picture = loadpicture(图像文献全道路名)    end sub  浮雕 浮雕的算法是在相邻像素的差值上加上一个常数,使暗淡地区减少少许亮度,咱们不妨取同一条龙、同一列或对角线上的相邻像素间的差值加上一个常数。   private sub picture1_click()    dim pi1&, pi2&    dim x, y    dim a, b as integer    dim red, green, blue as integer   a = 1    b = 1    xx = picture1.scalewidth    yy = picture1.scaleheight    for x = 1 to xx - 2     for y = 1 to yy - 2     pi1& = picture1.point(x, y)    pi2& = picture1.point(x + a, y + b)    red = abs((pi1& mod 256) - (pi2& mod 256) + 128)    green = abs((((pi1& and &hff00) / 256&) mod 256&) - (((pi2& and &hff00) / 256&) mod 256&) + 128)    blue = abs(((pi1& and &hff0000) / 65536) - ((pi2& and &hff0000) / 65536) + 128)    picture1.pset (x, y), rgb(red, green, blue)    next y    next x    picture1.refresh    end sub  油画    油画滤镜的算法是:用暂时点边际确定范畴内任一点的脸色来包办暂时点的脸色。   private sub picture1_click()   dim pi&    dim x, y   dim a, b as integer   dim red, green, blue as integer   xx = picture1.scalewidth   yy = picture1.scaleheight   for x = 2 to xx - 3    for y = 2 to yy - 3   a = rnd * 3 - 1  b = rnd * 3 - 1   pi = picture1.point(x + a, y + b)    red = (pi& mod 256)    green = (((pi& and &hff00) / 256&) mod 256&)    blue = ((pi& and &hff0000) / 65536)    picture1.pset (x, y), rgb(red, green, blue)    next y    doevents    next x    picture1.refresh   end sub  木版画(图三)    这个滤镜的算法对立简简单点。只需确定暂时点是淡色仍旧深色(即三脸色元素的平衡值能否大于128),淡色用白色rgb(255,255,255)包办;深色用玄色rgb(0,0,0)包办。   private sub picture1_click()    dim pi&    dim x, y    dim a, b as integer    dim red, green, blue as integer    a = 1    b = 1    xx = picture1.scalewidth    yy = picture1.scaleheight    for x = 0 to xx    for y = 0 to yy    pi = picture1.point(x, y)   red = (pi& mod 256)   green = (((pi& and &hff00) / 256&) mod 256&)   blue = ((pi& and &hff0000) / 65536)   if (red + green + blue) / 3 < 128 then   picture1.pset (x, y), rgb(0, 0, 0)   else   picture1.pset (x, y), rgb(255, 255, 255)   end if   next y   next x   picture1.refresh   end sub  道具    道具滤镜的算法很多,这边引见一种小口径道具滤镜,简直算法是取一点为光源(这边以30,40为例),从光彩终局发端向光源点渐渐减少亮度(向白色逼近)。代码为:   private sub picture1_click()    dim pi1&, pi2&    dim x, y    dim a, b as integer    dim red, green, blue as integer    a = 30    b = 40    xx = picture1.scalewidth    yy = picture1.scaleheight    for x = 1 to xx    for y = 1 to yy    pi1 = picture1.point(x, y)   if sqr((a - x) * (a - x) + (b - y) * (b - y)) - 40 < 0 then   red = ((pi1& mod 256) + 200 * (1 - (sqr((a - x) * (a - x) + (b - y) * (b - y)) + 1) / 40))   green = ((((pi1& and &hff00) / 256&) mod 256&) + 200 * (1 - (sqr((a - x) * (a - x) + (b - y) * (b - y)) + 1) / 40))   blue = (((pi1& and &hff0000) / 65536) + 200 * (1 - (sqr((a - x) * (a - x) + (b - y) * (b - y)) + 1) / 40))   if red < 0 then red = 0   if red > 255 then red = 255   if green < 0 then green = 0   if green > 255 then green = 255   if blue < 0 then blue = 0   if blue > 255 then blue = 255   picture1.pset (x, y), rgb(red, green, blue)   end if   next y   next x   picture1.refresh   end sub



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