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当前位置: 首页 -> 技术开发 -> JSP专区 -> 如何在Web页上实现文件上传


时间: 2021-07-31 作者:daque

public class uploadservlet extends httpservlet<br>{<br>  //default maximum allowable file size is 100k<br>  static final int max_size = 102400;<br>  //instance variables to store root and success message<br>  string rootpath, successmessage;<br>  /**<br>   * init method is called when servlet is initialized.<br>   */<br>  public void init(servletconfig config) throws servletexception<br>  {<br>    super.init(config);<br>    //get path in which to save file<br>    rootpath = config.getinitparameter("rootpath");<br>    if (rootpath == null)<br>    {<br>      rootpath = "/";<br>    }<br>    /*get message to show when upload is complete. used only if<br>      a success redirect page is not supplied.*/<br>    successmessage = config.getinitparameter("successmessage");<br>    if (successmessage == null)<br>    {<br>      successmessage = "file upload complete!";<br>    }<br>  }<br>  /**<br>   * dopost reads the uploaded data from the request and writes<br>   * it to a file.<br>   */<br>  public void dopost(httpservletrequest request,<br>    httpservletresponse response)<br>  {<br>    servletoutputstream out=null;<br>    datainputstream in=null;<br>    fileoutputstream fileout=null;<br>    try<br>    {<br>      /*set content type of response and get handle to output<br>        stream in case we are unable to redirect client*/<br>      response.setcontenttype("text/plain");<br>      out = response.getoutputstream();<br>    }<br>    catch (ioexception e)<br>    {<br>      //print error message to standard out<br>      system.out.println("error getting output stream.");<br>      system.out.println("error description: " + e);<br>      return;<br>    }<br>    try<br>    {<br>      //get content type of client request<br>      string contenttype = request.getcontenttype();<br>      //make sure content type is multipart/form-data<br>      if(contenttype != null && contenttype.indexof(<br>        "multipart/form-data") != -1)<br>      {<br>        //open input stream from client to capture upload file<br>        in = new datainputstream(request.getinputstream());<br>        //get length of content data<br>        int formdatalength = request.getcontentlength();<br>        //allocate a byte array to store content data<br>        byte databytes[] = new byte[formdatalength];<br>        //read file into byte array<br>        int bytesread = 0;<br>        int totalbytesread = 0;<br>        int sizecheck = 0;<br>        while (totalbytesread < formdatalength)<br>        {<br>          //check for maximum file size violation<br>          sizecheck = totalbytesread + in.available();<br>          if (sizecheck > max_size)<br>          {<br>            out.println("sorry, file is too large to upload.");<br>            return;<br>          }<br>          bytesread = in.read(databytes, totalbytesread,<br>            formdatalength);<br>          totalbytesread += bytesread;<br>        }<br>        //create string from byte array for easy manipulation<br>        string file = new string(databytes);<br>        //since byte array is stored in string, release memory<br>        databytes = null;<br>        /*get boundary value (boundary is a unique string that<br>          separates content data)*/<br>        int lastindex = contenttype.lastindexof("=");<br>        string boundary = contenttype.substring(lastindex+1,<br>          contenttype.length());<br>        //get directory web variable from request<br>        string directory="";<br>        if (file.indexof("name=\"directory\"") > 0)<br>        {<br>          directory = file.substring(<br>            file.indexof("name=\"directory\""));<br>          //remove carriage return<br>          directory = directory.substring(<br>            directory.indexof("\n")+1);<br>          //remove carriage return<br>          directory = directory.substring(<br>            directory.indexof("\n")+1);<br>          //get directory<br>          directory = directory.substring(0,<br>            directory.indexof("\n")-1);<br>          /*make sure user didn't select a directory higher in<br>            the directory tree*/<br>          if (directory.indexof("..") > 0)<br>          {<br>            out.println("security error: you can't upload " +<br>              "to a directory higher in the directory tree.");<br>            return;<br>          }<br>        }<br>        //get successpage web variable from request<br>        string successpage="";<br>        if (file.indexof("name=\"successpage\"") > 0)<br>        {<br>          successpage = file.substring(<br>            file.indexof("name=\"successpage\""));<br>          //remove carriage return<br>          successpage = successpage.substring(<br>            successpage.indexof("\n")+1);<br>          //remove carriage return<br>          successpage = successpage.substring(<br>            successpage.indexof("\n")+1);<br>          //get success page<br>          successpage = successpage.substring(0,<br>            successpage.indexof("\n")-1);<br>        }<br>        //get overwrite flag web variable from request<br>        string overwrite;<br>        if (file.indexof("name=\"overwrite\"") > 0)<br>        {<br>          overwrite = file.substring(<br>            file.indexof("name=\"overwrite\""));<br>          //remove carriage return<br>          overwrite = overwrite.substring(<br>            overwrite.indexof("\n")+1);<br>          //remove carriage return<br>          overwrite = overwrite.substring(<br>            overwrite.indexof("\n")+1);<br>          //get overwrite flag<br>          overwrite = overwrite.substring(0,<br>            overwrite.indexof("\n")-1);<br>        }<br>        else<br>        {<br>          overwrite = "false";<br>        }<br>        //get overwritepage web variable from request<br>        string overwritepage="";<br>        if (file.indexof("name=\"overwritepage\"") > 0)<br>        {<br>          overwritepage = file.substring(<br>            file.indexof("name=\"overwritepage\""));<br>          //remove carriage return<br>          overwritepage = overwritepage.substring(<br>            overwritepage.indexof("\n")+1);<br>          //remove carriage return<br>          overwritepage = overwritepage.substring(<br>            overwritepage.indexof("\n")+1);<br>          //get overwrite page<br>          overwritepage = overwritepage.substring(0,<br>            overwritepage.indexof("\n")-1);<br>        }<br>        //get filename of upload file<br>        string savefile = file.substring(<br>          file.indexof("filename=\"")+10);<br>        savefile = savefile.substring(0,<br>          savefile.indexof("\n"));<br>        savefile = savefile.substring(<br>          savefile.lastindexof("\\")+1,<br>          savefile.indexof("\""));<br>        /*remove boundary markers and other multipart/form-data<br>          tags from beginning of upload file section*/<br>        int pos; //position in upload file<br>        //find position of upload file section of request<br>        pos = file.indexof("filename=\"");<br>        //find position of content-disposition line<br>        pos = file.indexof("\n",pos)+1;<br>        //find position of content-type line<br>        pos = file.indexof("\n",pos)+1;<br>        //find position of blank line<br>        pos = file.indexof("\n",pos)+1;<br>        /*find the location of the next boundary marker<br>          (marking the end of the upload file data)*/<br>        int boundarylocation = file.indexof(boundary,pos)-4;<br>        //upload file lies between pos and boundarylocation<br>        file = file.substring(pos,boundarylocation);<br>        //build the full path of the upload file<br>        string filename = new string(rootpath + directory +<br>          savefile);<br>        //create file object to check for existence of file<br>        file checkfile = new file(filename);<br>        if (checkfile.exists())<br>        {<br>          /*file exists, if overwrite flag is off, give<br>            message and abort*/<br>          if (!overwrite.tolowercase().equals("true"))<br>          {<br>            if (overwritepage.equals(""))<br>            {<br>              /*overwrite html page url not received, respond<br>                with generic message*/<br>              out.println("sorry, file already exists.");<br>            }<br>            else<br>            {<br>              //redirect client to overwrite html page<br>              response.sendredirect(overwritepage);<br>            }<br>            return;<br>          }<br>        }<br>        /*create file object to check for existence of<br>          directory*/<br>        file filedir = new file(rootpath + directory);<br>        if (!filedir.exists())<br>        {<br>          //directory doesn't exist, create it<br>          filedir.mkdirs();<br>        }<br>        //instantiate file output stream<br>        fileout = new fileoutputstream(filename);<br>        //write the string to the file as a byte array<br>        fileout.write(file.getbytes(),0,file.length());<br>        if (successpage.equals(""))<br>        {<br>          /*success html page url not received, respond with<br>            generic success message*/<br>          out.println(successmessage);<br>          out.println("file written to: " + filename);<br>        }<br>        else<br>        {<br>          //redirect client to success html page<br>          response.sendredirect(successpage);<br>        }<br>      }<br>      else //request is not multipart/form-data<br>      {<br>        //send error message to client<br>        out.println("request not multipart/form-data.");<br>      }<br>    }<br>    catch(exception e)<br>    {<br>      try<br>      {<br>        //print error message to standard out<br>        system.out.println("error in dopost: " + e);<br>        //send error message to client<br>        out.println("an unexpected error has occurred.");<br>        out.println("error description: " + e);<br>      }<br>      catch (exception f) {}<br>    }<br>    finally<br>    {<br>      try<br>      {<br>        fileout.close(); //close file output stream<br>      }<br>      catch (exception f) {}<br>      try<br>      {<br>        in.close(); //close input stream from client<br>      }<br>      catch (exception f) {}<br>      try<br>      {<br>        out.close(); //close output stream to client<br>      }<br>      catch (exception f) {}<br>    }<br>  }<br>}<br><br><br>



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