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时间: 2021-07-31 作者:daque

imports system.runtime.interopservices.marshalthen, replace the default page_load event with the code in figure 1.private sub page_load(byval sender as system.object, _ byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.load dim oexcel as new excel.application() dim obooks as excel.workbooks, obook as excel.workbook dim osheets as excel.sheets, osheet as excel.worksheet dim ocells as excel.range dim sfile as string, stemplate as string dim dt as datatable = _ ctype(application.item("mydatatable"), datatable) sfile = server.mappath(request.applicationpath) & _ "\myexcel.xls" stemplate = server.mappath(request.applicationpath) & _ "\mytemplate.xls" oexcel.visible = false : oexcel.displayalerts = false 'start a new workbook obooks = oexcel.workbooks obooks.open(server.mappath(request.applicationpath) & _ "\mytemplate.xls") 'load colorful template with chart obook = obooks.item(1) osheets = obook.worksheets osheet = ctype(osheets.item(1), excel.worksheet) osheet.name = "first sheet" ocells = osheet.cells dumpdata(dt, ocells) 'fill in the data osheet.saveas(sfile) 'save in a temporary file obook.close() 'quit excel and thoroughly deallocate everything oexcel.quit() releasecomobject(ocells) : releasecomobject(osheet) releasecomobject(osheets) : releasecomobject(obook) releasecomobject(obooks) : releasecomobject(oexcel) oexcel = nothing : obooks = nothing : obook = nothing osheets = nothing : osheet = nothing : ocells = nothing system.gc.collect() response.redirect(sfile) 'send the user to the fileend sub'outputs a datatable to an excel worksheetprivate function dumpdata(byval _ dt as datatable, byval ocells as excel.range) as string dim dr as datarow, ary() as object dim irow as integer, icol as integer 'output column headers for icol = 0 to dt.columns.count - 1 ocells(2, icol + 1) = dt.columns(icol).tostring next 'output data for irow = 0 to dt.rows.count - 1 dr = dt.rows.item(irow) ary = dr.itemarray for icol = 0 to ubound(ary) ocells(irow + 3, icol + 1) = ary(icol).tostring response.write(ary(icol).tostring & vbtab) next nextend fun



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