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当前位置: 首页 -> 技术开发 -> 程序开发 -> 用VB5.0收集键盘和鼠标信息


时间: 2021-07-31 作者:daque

陈耀华  在少许运用软硬件中,搜集键盘和鼠目标消息比拟要害,而vb5.0又没有供给相映的因变量到达这个手段。本质上不妨用相映的api来实行,如笔者的键盘消息为:键盘典型:ibm 101/102巩固键盘,反复击键速率每秒钟15个字符,键盘延时0秒,光标闪耀间隙500ms;鼠标为ms双键,双击间隙为300ms。运转以次步调就不妨搜集到之上消息。   步调代码:   创造一模块,定名为info.bas,api证明如次:   option explicit   ′收集键盘消息的api   declare function getcaretblinktime lib ″user32″ () as long   public const spi—getkeyboardspeed = 10   public const spi—getkeyboarddelay = 22   declare function systemparametersinfo lib ″user32″ alias ″systemparametersinfoa″ (byval uaction as long,   byval uparam as long, lpvparam as any, byval fuwinini as long) as long   declare function getkeyboardtype lib ″user32″ (byval ntypeflag as long) as long   ′收集鼠标消息的api   declare function getdoubleclicktime lib ″user32″ () as long   public const sm—cmousebuttons = 43   declare function getsystemmetrics lib ″user32″ (byval nindex as long) as long   public const sm—mousepresent = 19   主窗口(form1)上放command1,timer1及4个label,辨别定名为lblkeyboard,lblrepeatspeed,lblrepeatdelay,lblcaretflash.表露键盘的消息建一shape1,表白光标闪耀的功效。2个label,辨别命为lblmouse,lbldblclick表露鼠目标消息。   private sub command1—click()   dim r as long   dim t as string   dim k as long   dim q as long   k = getkeyboardtype(0)   if k = 1 then t = ″pc or compatible 83-key keyboard″   if k = 2 then t = ″olivetti 102-key keyboard″   if k = 3 then t = ″at or compatible 84-key keyboard″   if k = 4 then t = ″enhanced(ibm) 101-102-key keyboard″   if k = 5 then t = ″nokia 1050 keyboard″   if k = 6 then t = ″nokia 9140 keyboard″   if k = 7 then t = ″japanese keyboard″   lblkeyboard = ′type of keyboard : ″ & t   q = systemparametersinfo(spi—getkeyboarddelay, 0, r, 0)   lblrepeatdelay = ″keyboard repeat delay = ″ & r & ″ seconds″   q = systemparametersinfo(spi—getkeyboardspeed, 0, r, 0)   scrrepeatspeed = r   lblrepeatspeed = ″keyboard repeat speed = ″ & r & ″ characters per second.″   timer1.interval = getcaretblinktime   scrcaretflash = getcaretblinktime   lblcaretflash = ″caret flash speed = ″ & getcaretblinktime & ″ms″   if getsystemmetrics(sm_mousepresent) = 1 then   lblmouse = ″standard mouse present with ″ & getsystemmetrics(sm—cmousebuttons) & ″ buttons.″   else   lblmouse = ″no mouse present.″   exit sub   end if   lbldblclick = ″double click speed = ″ & getdoubleclicktime & ″ms″   end sub   private sub form—load()   call command1—click   end sub   private sub timer1—timer()   shape1.visible = not shape1.visible   end sub   按f5运转,点击command1即可搜集到键盘和鼠标消息。   此步调在pwin95和华文vb5.0中胜利运转经过,已应用到本质处事中。   



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