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freebsd PF的TARP补丁

时间: 2021-07-31 作者:daque

 tarpit补丁 for pf on freebsd功效:当端口扫描时归来一切端口盛开状况体例: pf风火墙freebsd 6-current尝试经过openbsd 3.6未尝试安置本领:1. 截取以次一段实质,创造新文献pf.c.diff ;大概在如次地方载入:===============================================2858c2858,2859< !(th->th_flags & th_rst)) {---> (!(th->th_flags & th_rst) || > !(th->th_flags & th_fin))) {2860c2861< ---> 2864c2865< ack++;---> return (pf_drop);2867c2868< ntohl(th->th_ack), ack, th_rst|th_ack, 0, 0,---> ntohl(th->th_ack), ack, th_syn|th_ack, 0, 0,===============================================http://phoenix.freedemon.org//network//pf.c.diff2. 补丁本领:# cd /sys/contrib/pf/net/# patch -p0 pf.c <pf.c.diffhmm... looks like a normal diff to me...patching file pf.c using plan a...hunk #1 succeeded at 2858.hunk #2 succeeded at 2861.hunk #3 succeeded at 2865.hunk #4 succeeded at 2868.done3. 从新摆设内核,确认编写翻译进了pf关系选项;device pfdevice pflogdevice pfsync4. 从新编写翻译内核和内核模块;# cd /sys/i386/conf/# config generic# cd ../compile/generic# make depend && make && make modules && make install5. 察看/etc/rc.conf,确认翻开了pf启用选项;pf_enable="yes"6. 编纂pf摆设文献/etc/pf.conf,在初始化段介入以次选项:set block-policy return7. bug:>>-alpha本子,未普遍尝试,留心运用>>污秽的代码,径直窜改了return准则,运用时替代block return (tcp)举措>>提防备份好翻版pf.c>>正在写实足版的tarp功效  在黑客想侵犯一个体例之前,普遍城市举行第一步举措,段口扫描。经过段口扫描就不妨获得到目的长机上盛开的搜集端口大概运用效劳,而后再对准目的对症下药。以是对于一个联网的体例,不妨表露在表面的消息越少越好,以是咱们普遍会用百般风火墙或tcpwarpper等考察遏制本领来控制外部贯穿,减少大概被报复的范畴。在风火墙的规范相应举措中,当中断贯穿时,有两种相应本领:( deny 或 drop )。她们最大的辨别即是,deny显得更为规则少许。比方当接受到一个被控制考察的tcp乞求时,他会规则的回应一个[tcp reset]包,报告旁人这个端口的考察利害法的;而即使是udp乞求,则会回应icmp-udp-port-unreached动静。而drop方规则显得更为霸道,他会径直抛弃来访数据报,不作任何回应。两种举措在风火墙准则中各有长处,deny不妨报告有理来访者更多消息,便于风火墙准则调节和测试;而drop更省搜集带宽资源,也显得更安定少许。但当对于一个端口扫描器来说,她们都仍旧报告报复者太多的消息了,起码不管那种截止,报复者等候一段功夫此后,城市获得她们想要的--盛开端口列表。就犹如底下如许:===============================================c:\documents and settings\freedemon>sl luciferscanline (tm) 1.01copyright (c) foundstone, inc. 2002http://www.foundstone.comscan of 1 ip started at thu mar 24 11:50:23 2005------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in 10 ms.10 hops awayresponds with icmp unreachable: notcp ports: 21 22 79 80 1025udp ports:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------scan finished at thu mar 24 11:50:50 20051 ip and 267 ports scanned in 0 hours 0 mins 27.02 secs===============================================一个大略的扫描之后,咱们就赢得了一切盛开端口表,而后就不妨按照端口情景探求对应运转的运用步调,而后再探求对应的缺点举行长途报复。那么咱们给报复者另一种采用,当他大喊一声“芝麻开闸”之后,遽然创造一切的门都向他开了,在几万个门之中,他该向何处走?在linux中,netfilter有一个patch-o-magic补丁,叫tarpit,功效即是当考察一个不承诺的端口时,风火墙会归来一个平常的syn+ack包相应,然而tcp-window为0,如许在扫描器一端就会表露端口平常翻开,然而没辙发送数据;而之后一切的数据风火墙就不妨径直drop掉。悲惨的是,在其余大普遍风火墙上,并没有实行这个非规范功效,windows上谁人号称不妨抗syn-flood和不妨tarp的8sign风火墙,尝试了下,基础失效。结果只好本人写一个出来。tarp for pf on freebsd 迷你补丁,只能运转在pf风火墙上,freebsd 6-current尝试经过,该当在openbsd pf上也不妨运转,然而还没空尝试。1. 截取以次一段实质,创造新文献pf.c.diff ;大概在如次地方载入:===============================================2858c2858,2859< !(th->th_flags & th_rst)) {---> (!(th->th_flags & th_rst) || > !(th->th_flags & th_fin))) {2860c2861< ---> 2864c2865< ack++;---> return (pf_drop);2867c2868< ntohl(th->th_ack), ack, th_rst|th_ack, 0, 0,---> ntohl(th->th_ack), ack, th_syn|th_ack, 0, 0,===============================================http://phoenix.freedemon.org//network//pf.c.diff 2. 补丁本领:[p6oenix]# cd /sys/contrib/pf/net/[p6oenix]# patch -p0 pf.c <pf.c.diffhmm... looks like a normal diff to me...patching file pf.c using plan a...hunk #1 succeeded at 2858.hunk #2 succeeded at 2861.hunk #3 succeeded at 2865.hunk #4 succeeded at 2868.done3. 从新摆设内核,确认编写翻译进了pf关系选项;4. 察看/etc/rc.conf,确认翻开了pf启用选项;5. 编纂pf摆设文献/etc/pf.conf,在初始化段介入以次选项:set block-policy return之后一切的pf block战略,只有表露指定drop举措的,其余城市机动奏效为tarp举措,一切到那些端口的贯穿和端口扫描动作都将获得端口翻开的消息,直到贯穿超时。看一下补丁功效:===============================================c:\documents and settings\administrator>sl luciferscanline (tm) 1.01copyright (c) foundstone, inc. 2002http://www.foundstone.comscan of 1 ip started at thu mar 24 12:12:06 2005------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in 0 ms.10 hops awayresponds with icmp unreachable: notcp ports: 7 9 11 13 15 19 21 23 25 43 49 53 66 67 68 70 79 80 81 88 89 98 109 110 111 113 118 119 139 143 150 156 179 256 257 258 259 264 389 396 427 443 445 457 465 512 513 514 515 524 540 563 587 593 636 691 799 900 901 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1100 1214 1243 1313 1352 1433 1494 1498 1521 1524 1525 1529 1541 1542 1720 1723 1745 1755 1813 1944 2000 2001 2003 2049 2080 2140 2301 2447 2766 2779 2869 2998 3128 3268 3300 3306 3372 3389 4000 4001 4002 4045 4321 4444 4665 4899 5000 5222 5556 5631 5632 5678 5800 5801 5802 5900 5901 6000 6112 6346 6347 6588 6666 6667 7000 7001 7002 7070 7100 7777 7947 8000 8001 8010 8080 8081 8100 8383 8888 9090 10000 12345 20034 27374 30821 32768 32769 32770 32771 32772 32773 32774 32775 32776 32777 32778 32779 32780 32781 32782 32783 32784 3278532786 32787 32788 32789 32790udp ports:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------scan finished at thu mar 24 12:12:31 20051 ip and 267 ports scanned in 0 hours 0 mins 24.47 secs===============================================扫描表露一切端口全都盛开......再看一下运用贯穿:===============================================盛开端口时c:\documents and settings\administrator>finger toor@lucifer[lucifer.freedemon.org]login: toor name: bourne-again superuserdirectory: /root shell: /bin/shlast login thu mar 24 12:49 (utc) on ttyp5 from mail.no plan.===============================================运用tarp准则时c:\documents and settings\administrator>finger toor@lucifer[lucifer.freedemon.org]> finger: read::对方将贯穿复位===============================================固然,对于实足提防黑客的端口扫描报复,这种报复并不完备,再有少许缺陷,也不妨赢得精细的端口消息,比方:1. 察看归来得精细数据包消息,经过比较tcp-window值和tcp标记位,本来仍旧不妨确定出那些端口真实盛开的;然而暂时为止没有哪个制品扫描器那么做的,经过hping-3的剧本功效大概不妨......2. 获得和察看运用体例的banner归来消息,也不妨确定出对应端口能否真实运转运用和何种运用。矫正安置:1. 我然而好几世纪没写过步调了,即日花了几秒钟功夫写出的patch,即使运转不宁静堕落了可别怪我;2. 暂时不过对准tcp的,本来对udp也不妨有相映实行,有空再改;3. 对准hping等更智能的扫描器,也有些不宁静的处置本领,比方把window值改为平常的,如2048等...但暂时不领会会有什么反面功效;4. 暂时这个补丁只大略的替代了block准则是的return举措,比拟dirty,等有空了大改,给pf加上一个真实的tarpit举措吧。  尝试了以次典型端口扫描tcp connect()扫描: nmap -st , scanlinetcp syn扫描: nmap -ssc:\documents and settings\administrator>nmap -ss -p 79,80 lucifer starting nmap 3.75 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap ) at 2005-03-24 12:43 华夏规范功夫interesting ports on lucifer ( state service79/tcp open finger80/tcp open httpnmap run completed -- 1 ip address (1 host up) scanned in 1.983 secondstcp fin扫描: nmsp -sfc:\documents and settings\administrator>nmap -sf -p 79,80 luciferstarting nmap 3.75 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap ) at 2005-03-24 12:58 华夏规范功夫interesting ports on lucifer ( state service79/tcp open finger80/tcp open httpnmap run completed -- 1 ip address (1 host up) scanned in 1.653 secondstcp xmas扫描: nmap -sxc:\documents and settings\administrator>nmap -sx -p 79,80 luciferstarting nmap 3.75 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap ) at 2005-03-24 13:01 华夏规范功夫interesting ports on lucifer ( state service79/tcp open finger80/tcp open httpnmap run completed -- 1 ip address (1 host up) scanned in 1.652 secondstcp null扫描: nmap -snc:\documents and settings\administrator>nmap -sn -p 79,80 luciferstarting nmap 3.75 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap ) at 2005-03-24 13:02 华夏规范功夫interesting ports on lucifer ( state service79/tcp open finger80/tcp open http十足平常处置,表露端口翻开。



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