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当前位置: 首页 -> 数据库 -> MySQL -> MySQL_常用查询的例子


时间: 2021-08-13 作者:daque

底下是少许进修怎样用mysql处置少许罕见题目的例子。    少许例子运用数据库表“shop”,包括某个贩子的每篇作品(货色号)的价钱。假设每个贩子的每篇作品有一个独立的固订价格,那么(货色,贩子)是记载的主键。     你能如许创造例子数据库表:   create table shop (  article int(4) unsigned zerofill default '0000' not null,  dealer char(20)         default ''   not null,  price  double(16,2)       default '0.00' not null,  primary key(article, dealer));    insert into shop values  (1,'a',3.45),(1,'b',3.99),(2,'a',10.99),(3,'b',1.45),(3,'c',1.69),  (3,'d',1.25),(4,'d',19.95);    好了,例子数据是如许的:     select * from shop    +---------+--------+-------+  | article | dealer | price |  +---------+--------+-------+  |  0001 | a   | 3.45 |  |  0001 | b   | 3.99 |  |  0002 | a   | 10.99 |  |  0003 | b   | 1.45 |  |  0003 | c   | 1.69 |  |  0003 | d   | 1.25 |  |  0004 | d   | 19.95 |  +---------+--------+-------+  3.1 列的最大值 “最大的货色号是什么?”     select max(article) as article from shop    +---------+  | article |  +---------+  |    4 |  +---------+  3.2 具有某个列的最大值的行 “找到最贵的作品的编号、贩子和价钱”    在ansi-sql中这很简单用一个子查问做到:     select article, dealer, price  from  shop  where price=(select max(price) from shop)   在mysql中(还没有子查问)就用2步做到:    用一个select语句从表中获得最大值。   运用该值编出本质的查问:   select article, dealer, price  from  shop  where price=19.95   另一个处置计划是按价钱降序排序一切行并用mysql一定limit子句只获得的第一条龙:     select article, dealer, price  from  shop  order by price desc  limit 1    提防:即使有多个最贵的作品( 比方每个19.95),limit处置计划只是表露她们之一!   3.3 列的最大值:按组:惟有值 “每篇作品的最高的价钱是什么?”     select article, max(price) as price  from  shop  group by article    +---------+-------+  | article | price |  +---------+-------+  |  0001 | 3.99 |  |  0002 | 10.99 |  |  0003 | 1.69 |  |  0004 | 19.95 |  +---------+-------+[page_break]3.4 具有某个字段的组间最大值的行 “对每篇作品,找到有最贵的价钱的买卖者。”     在ansi sql中,我不妨用如许一个子查问做到:     select article, dealer, price  from  shop s1  where price=(select max(s2.price)         from shop s2         where s1.article = s2.article)   在mysql中,最佳是分几步做到:    获得一个表(作品,maxprice)。见3.4 具有某个域的组间最大值的行。  对每篇作品,获得对应于保存最大价钱的行。  这不妨很简单用一个偶尔表做到:     create temporary table tmp (      article int(4) unsigned zerofill default '0000' not null,      price  double(16,2)       default '0.00' not null);    lock tables article read;    insert into tmp select article, max(price) from shop group by article;    select article, dealer, price from shop, tmp  where shop.article=tmp.articel and shop.price=tmp.price;    unlock tables;    drop table tmp;   即使你不运用一个temporary表,你也必需锁定“tmp”表。   “它能一个单个查问做到吗?”    是的,然而惟有运用我称之为“max-concat阴谋”的一个十分低效的阴谋:     select article,      substring( max( concat(lpad(price,6,'0'),dealer) ), 7) as dealer,   0.00+left(   max( concat(lpad(price,6,'0'),dealer) ), 6) as price  from  shop  group by article;    +---------+--------+-------+  | article | dealer | price |  +---------+--------+-------+  |  0001 | b   | 3.99 |  |  0002 | a   | 10.99 |  |  0003 | c   | 1.69 |  |  0004 | d   | 19.95 |  +---------+--------+-------+  结果例子固然能经过在存户步调中分隔连结的列使它更灵验一点。   3.5 运用外键 不须要外键结合2个表。     mysql独一不做的工作是check以保护你运用的键真实在你正在援用表中生存,而且它不机动从有一个外键设置的表中简略行。即使你象凡是那么运用你的键值,它将处事得很好!     create table persons (    id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment,     name char(60) not null,    primary key (id)  );    create table shirts (    id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment,    style enum('t-shirt', 'polo', 'dress') not null,    color enum('red', 'blue', 'orange', 'white', 'black') not null,    owner smallint unsigned not null references persons,    primary key (id)  );    insert into persons values (null, 'antonio paz');    insert into shirts values  (null, 'polo', 'blue', last_insert_id()),  (null, 'dress', 'white', last_insert_id()),  (null, 't-shirt', 'blue', last_insert_id());    insert into persons values (null, 'lilliana angelovska');    insert into shirts values  (null, 'dress', 'orange', last_insert_id()),  (null, 'polo', 'red', last_insert_id()),  (null, 'dress', 'blue', last_insert_id()),  (null, 't-shirt', 'white', last_insert_id());    select * from persons;  +----+---------------------+  | id | name        |  +----+---------------------+  | 1 | antonio paz     |  | 2 | lilliana angelovska |  +----+---------------------+    select * from shirts;  +----+---------+--------+-------+  | id | style  | color | owner |  +----+---------+--------+-------+  | 1 | polo  | blue  |   1 |  | 2 | dress  | white |   1 |  | 3 | t-shirt | blue  |   1 |  | 4 | dress  | orange |   2 |  | 5 | polo  | red  |   2 |  | 6 | dress  | blue  |   2 |  | 7 | t-shirt | white |   2 |  +----+---------+--------+-------+    select s.* from persons p, shirts s   where p.name like 'lilliana%'    and s.owner = p.id    and s.color <> 'white';    +----+-------+--------+-------+  | id | style | color | owner |  +----+-------+--------+-------+  | 4 | dress | orange |   2 |  | 5 | polo | red  |   2 |  | 6 | dress | blue  |   2 |  +----+-------+--------+-------+



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